Exercise, Fitness & Wellbeing Classes

Here is a summary of the fitness classes at Coronation Hall. Please contact the tutors direct for more details and to check availability

Tuesday mornings – Pilates at 10 & 11 am with Joanna Laurence

Joannas classes are very popular – she has a loyal following here in Slindon.

Contact Joanna : info@joannalaurencepilates.co.uk or 07788 717246


Tuesday evenings – Mat work Pilates – 2 x 1 hour classes with Bee Hurst at 6pm and 7.15pm

Classes with Slindons own resident pilates tutor, Bee Hurst

Contact Bee Hurst : 07730 037270 or bee@beefitpilates.com


Wednesday early afternoon – Tai Chi from 1-2pm with Heike Brewster

The BBC doctor Michael Moseley swears by Tai Chi – although it looks gentle, studies suggest it is as effective as conventional exercise for reducing body weight & fat – and your brain gets a work-out too.

Contact : Heike Brewster : heikebrewster@outlook.com or 07763 474397


Thursday morning – 10.30 t0 11.30 – Standing and Chair Pilates with Bee Hurst

A class specially devised for those who recognise the importance of maintaining flexibility, balance and muscle power but who don’t fancy getting down on – or getting up from! – the floor.  “Use it or lose it”.

Contact Bee Hurst : 07730 037270 or bee@beefitpilates.com